Everyone has seen Whitman’s Samplers at the drugstore or grocery store. This review is for the Whitman’s Sampler with assorted chocolates; there are also all-milk and all-dark assortments (which may be covered in later reviews). The packaging itself is eye-catching, with a nice yellow color and design that is reminiscent of a quilt. The package design has not changed throughout the years, which has served Whitman’s well, as their chocolates still seem popular and easy-to-find for fans.
Looking Into the Whitman’s
Sampler Box
And what about the contents? First, when you open the standard size box (12 ounces), it’s important to note that there are two layers of chocolate, each looking like so:
Each layer has a great assortment of chocolate. Whitman’s Samplers are very good—these are good-quality chocolates in a decent price range that are also sold in convenient locations. Whitman’s Samplers also contain some unique pieces, such as a molasses chew, almond nougat and maple fudge piece. The cherry cordials are also very good, too.
One of the funnest things about Whitman’s is that on the inside of the lid, there is a “map” detailing what type of chocolate is in the box and where it’s found, kind of like a blueprint for each layer of chocolate. Both layers contain the same blueprint.
Other sizes of assortments are available, including a smaller box with four pieces that are generally about $1.00 as well as super-ginormous boxes that randomly appear at Big Lots from time to time.
So if you’re looking for great chocolate at a decent price—that also happens to be at your local drugstore or grocery store—check out Whitman’s Samplers. You’ll be glad you did!
+Whitman’s Sampler 100-Year Anniversary Video
Apparently, as of 2012, Whitman’s Samplers became 100 years old. This enjoyable video focuses on various sampler-related clips, including nostalgic/vintage chocolate ads, samplers being sent to our troops and blimps sporting the Whitman’s design.
Whitmans’ Sampler (Assorted) Nutrition Facts